ESA letter process

Schedule an appointment for today

   1)  Schedule an appointment  

   2)  Afterwards, you will be redirected to the Intake Form. If you can't complete the intake form right away, you can do so later using the link provided  in your appointment confirmation email. Be sure to complete the intake before our appointment.  

   3)   I will call  you during our appointment to discuss your situation and needs. 

   4)   After our appointment and at your convenience, you can make a $78 payment for the session after our appointment.  Fyi: I do not charge extra for more than one animal.

 5)   I will email you all needed documents. Be sure you stay in touch with me if I need to complete extra forms, or if you have any questions.  I do NOT charge extra for forms, or more than one emotional support or service animal.  Email me here as needed. 

What is also included

If you ever have any questions, just contact me here stating your needs. Note:

  • I do not charge for completing forms.
  • I also do not charge extra if you have more than one animal. In other words, I do not charge per animal, but rather for the appointment session.
  • I also do not charge if the clinical fit is not appropriate, and will refer you to other resources so you can get the care you need.

ESA Letter Sample or Service Animal Letter Sample

My letters always contain my regular practice letterhead, address, phone number, email, and license numbers/dates for practicing as a licensed mental health provider (LMHP) in Texas. My letter is fairly standard for an accommodation assistance animal letter, and can be altered to suit the needs of the landlord when necessary. The letter is a recommendation that my client would benefit from an assistant/service animal as a method of treatment to improve a mental health disability. I also include federal regulation links from Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Make your appointment now